Saving Health Ministries

30 Day Weight Loss Program

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Eating for Health and disease prevention. Your food is your medicine……Other important factors

1. Increase of water intake. Make sure it is 30 min before a meal and one hour after a meal. Your weight divided by two is how much the body needs in ounces. For example a 200 pound person needs 100 oz. of water daily.

2. Exercising before noon allows the metabolism to burn calories all day even once exercise has stopped. Morning exercise is best. Fast paced walking in the fresh air is excellent. Must walk at least 45 min everyday outside in order to truly be successful on this program. If this is too much at the start, work your way up to this amount within 40 days.

3. Prayer and Bible reading every morning. This will relieve stress and enable God to assist you in the weight loss program. Prayer is how we talk to God. Bible study is God talking to us. If one of these elements are missing it is a one sided conversation which will not last long. This is how we come to know God. God says, “without me ye can do nothing” John 15:5, so inorder to lose weight or overcome disease, God must be your strength and support. Ask him to help you and HE WILL NOT FAIL YOU!

The cookbook that I’m suggesting that you purchase is “Of these ye may freely eat”. I will reference certain meals to make from this cookbook. I will also list the page number. It only costs 3 dollars at this website


Day 1

Breakfast – 1 Apple, Oatmeal with dried fruit such as raisins, dates, or cranberries as sweetener, 8-10 pieces of Almonds or pecans
Lunch – salad (romaine lettuce,carrots, tomatoes, 4 olives) and “Simple Herb dressing” (pg.27)
Supper – Oranges or Grapefruit

Day 2
Breakfast – 1 Banana, Grapenuts cereal with soymilk, ricemilk, or almond milk. Milk can heated and poured over cereal as hot cereal if preferred. Dried fruit to sweeten.
Lunch – Avocado, Brown Rice, and Kidney beans

Supper – Grapes and Blueberries and Toasted bread if needed

Day 3
Breakfast – 7 or 8 grain hot cereal with salt (cooks just like grits), “Scrambled tofu”(pg.44) with fresh onions, garlic, and sweet red or green peppers.

Lunch – Salad  (romaine lettuce,carrots, tomatoes, 5 olives) with Sun seed tomato dressing (pg.26)
Supper – Apple and banana

Day 4
Breakfast – Grapes and Bluberries, 1 Whole wheat bagel with favorite nut butter such as Almond or Peanut butter
Lunch – Potato wedges (pg.57) with steamed kale and “Ketchup” (pg.29)
Supper – Plums and Nectarines

Day 5
Breakfast – Strawberries and Kiwi, Pancakes (pg.19) Apple Sauce or Maple Syrup as topping

Lunch – Brown Rice, your favorite beans, and steamed broccoli with “Basic Cheese Sauce” (pg.24)
Supper – Watermelon, Canteloupe or Honey Dew Melon

Day 6
Breakfast – Apple, Grapenuts cereal with soy, rice, or almond milk, and dried fruit to sweeten, and a tablespoon of raw Sunflower seeds or Almonds
Lunch – Quinoa, Cooked Spinach, and Lima Beans

Supper – Kiwi and StrawberriesDay 7
Day 7
Breakfast – Grapes or Cherries, Oatmeal with raisins, dates or cranberries to sweeten, 8-10 pieces of raw walnuts or pecans
Lunch – Salad  (romaine lettuce,carrots, tomatoes, 4 olives) with French dressing from pg.26
Supper – Watermelon, Canteloupe, or Honey Dew Melon

Day 8
Breakfast – 7 or 8 grain hot cereal with salt (cooks just like grits), scrambled tofu(pg.44) with onions, garlic, and sweet red or green peppers.
Lunch – Brown Rice, Lentils, and steamed carrots
Supper – Banana and pear

Day 9
Breakfast – 1 Large Peach, 1 Whole wheat bagel with favorite nut butter such as Almond or Peanut butter
Lunch – Baked potato with steamed cabbage and “Brown Gravy” (pg.32)
Supper – Apple and plum

Day 10
Breakfast – Cherries, Nut Oat Waffles (pg. 21) with Apple sauce or Maple syrup to sweeten
Lunch – Avocado, Quinoa or Millet (cooks just like rice), and steamed cabbage
Supper – Pineapple or Grapefruit

Day 11
Breakfast – 7 or 8 grain hot cereal with salt (cooks just like grits), scrambled tofu(pg.44) with onions, garlic, and sweet red or green peppers.
Lunch –  Salad  (romaine lettuce,carrots, tomatoes, 4 olives) with sun seed tomato dressing(pg.26)
Supper – Watermelon, Canteloupe, or Honey Dew Melon

Day 12
Breakfast – Pineapple or mango with Grapenuts cereal and dried fruit to sweeten, 8- 10 pieces of raw nuts
Lunch – 1 raw carrot with Tofu vegetable quiche (pg. 45)
Supper – Apple and Grapes
Day 13
Breakfast – Pear or Apple, Oatmeal with dried fruit dried fruit such as raisins, dates, or cranberries as sweetener
Lunch – Mac and Cheese (pg.40) with cooked green beans
Supper – Blueberries and strawberries
Day 14
Breakfast – Banana, 1 Whole wheat bagel with favorite nut butter such as Almond or Peanut butter
Lunch – Whole Wheat Spaghetti and Spaghetti Sauce with cooked kale
Supper – Watermelon, Canteloupe, or Honey Dew Melon

Day 15
Breakfast – Plums or peaches, French Toast (pg.21), 2 tablespoon of raw sunflower seeds, Maple Syrup to sweeten
Lunch – Salad  (romaine lettuce,carrots, tomatoes,  olives) with “Fresh Basil Pesto” (pg.28)
Supper – Apple and pear
Breakfast – Grapes and blueberries with Oatmeal, dried fruit to sweeten
Lunch – “Scalloped Potatoes” (pg.37), with steamed cabbage
Supper – Orange or Grapefruit

Day 17
Breakfast – Kiwi or strawberries with 1 whole wheat bagel with almond or peanut butter
Lunch – Spanish Rice (pg.38) with Black beans
Supper – Pineapple or Mango
Day 18
Breakfast – Apple or pear with Grapenuts cereal with soymilk, ricemilk, or almond milk. Milk can heated and poured over cereal as hot cereal if preferred. dried fruit and 1 tablespoon of sunflower seeds
Lunch – “Quick Bean Patty” Sandwich (pg.35), with Avocado
Supper – Watermelon, Honey Dew, or Canteloupe

Day 19 
Breakfast – 7 or 8 grain hot cereal with salt (cooks just like grits), scrambled tofu(pg.44) with onions, garlic, and sweet red or green peppers.
Lunch – Salad  (romaine lettuce,carrots, tomatoes, 4 olives) with french dressing (pg. 26)
Supper – Banana and pear
Day 20
Breakfast – Grapes and Strawberries, Oatmeal 2 tablespoons of Sunflower seeds
Lunch – “Savory seasoned tofu” (pg.45) with Brown Rice and steamed kale
Supper – Grapefruit or oranges

Day 21
Breakfast – Tropical Rice (pg.18) and Apple if desired
Lunch – Grilled Cheese (pg.38) with raw celery or cucumber
Supper – Pear and Peaches
Day 22
Breakfast – Muesli (pg.18)
Lunch – Salad  (romaine lettuce,carrots, tomatoes, 4 olives) with Herb dressing (pg.27)
Supper – Mango and Orange

Day 23
Breakfast – Kiwi, Grapes, and 1 whole wheat bagel with “Fresh Corn butter” or “Quick Corn Sauce” (pg.29)
Lunch – “Spanish Rice” (pg.38) with steamed broccoli
Supper – Plums and Nectarines

Day 24
Breakfast – 7 or 8 grain hot cereal with salt (cooks just like grits), scrambled tofu(pg.44) with onions, garlic, and sweet red or green peppers.
Lunch – Potatoes with “Chicken Style Gravy” (pg.32) and green beans
Supper – Apple and pear

Day 25
Breakfast – Cherries with Grapenuts cereal with soymilk, ricemilk, or almond milk. Milk can heated and poured over cereal as hot cereal if preferred. 8-10 pieces of walnuts or pecans
Lunch – 1 raw carrot with “Tofu Vegetable Quiche” (pg.45)
Supper – Watermelon, Honey Dew, or Canteloupe

Day 26
Breakfast – Grapes with Oatmeal and dried fruit
Lunch – Salad with “Fresh Basil Pesto” as dressing (pg.28)
Supper – Oranges or grapefruit

Day 27
Breakfast – Apple and 1 whole wheat bagel with Almond or Peanut Butter
Lunch – Sandwich – “Oatburgers” (pg.35) with lettuce and tomato
Supper – Nectarines and Grapes

Day 28
Breakfast – Strawberries and Kiwi, Oat Waffle (pg.20) with Maple Syrup or Apple sauce as topping
Lunch – Millet or quinoa (cooks just like rice) and “Baked Beans” (pg.43)
Supper – Banana and Pear

Day 29
Breakfast – 7 or 8 grain hot cereal with salt (cooks just like grits), “Scrambled tofu”(pg.44) with fresh onions, garlic, and sweet red or green peppers.
Lunch – Salad with “Quick Corn Sauce” or “Fresh Corn Butter” (pg.29)

Supper – Watermelon Honey Dew, or Canteloupe

Day 30
Breakfast –  Blueberries and Cherries, with 2 Slices of Toast and “Tofu Cream” as spread on bread or dipping sauce for fruit (pg.63)
Lunch – Brown Rice or Millet and “Simply Delicious Veggies” (pg.56)
Supper – Mango and Peach

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About The Author

David House I'm David House. I've dedicated my life to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and your health! Please consider supporting this gospel ministry

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